Flutter Firebase Realtime Database

  • Firebase Realtime database


In firebase, getInstance() method is used to retrieve the instance thenreference the location you want to write.setValue() method is used to set the value to the particular reference.
FirebaseDatabase database = FirebaseDatabase.getInstance();DatabaseReference myRef = database.getReference("message");myRef.setValue("Hello, World!");


The FirebaseDatabase give us a lot of methods and listener, to verify when all database was updated, when a specific child was updated and etc.
DataSnapshot : A DataSnapshot instance contains all the data from a firebase database for a particular node. Any time when you want to read Database data, you receive the data as a datasnapshot.
DataSnapshot will be returned in the listeners methods that you attach to the DatabaseReference:
onCancelled(DatabaseError error)// This method will be triggered in the event that this listener either failed at the server, or is removed as a result of the security and Firebase rules.
onChildAdded(DataSnapshot snapshot, String previousChildName) // triggered when a new child is added to the location to which this listener was added.
onChildChanged(DataSnapshot snapshot, String previousChildName) //  triggered when the data at a child location has changed.
onChildMoved(DataSnapshot snapshot, String previousChildName)// triggered when a child location's priority changes.
onChildRemoved(DataSnapshot snapshot)// triggered when a child is removed from the location to which this listener was addedaddListenerForSingleValueEvent(ValueEventListener).

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