Widgets in Flutter


  1. activeColor: color when check the checkbox(use:Colors)
  2. checkColor: checkBox color when check the checkbox(use:Colors)
  3. controlAffinity:where to place the checkbox(use:ListTileControlAffinity)
  4. dense:bool The dense parameter makes the text smaller and packs everything together.
  5. isThreeLine:bool
  6. onChanged:for change the value of the checkbox
  7. secondary:add another icon opposite side of the check box
  8. selected:bool
  9. subtitle:subtitle of the list
  10. title:title of the list
  11. value:bool

  1. title
  2. subtitle
  3. leading
  4. trailing
  5. contentPadding
  6. selected
  7. onTap
  8. onLongPress
  9. enabled
  10. ListTile.divideTiles
